Welcome to Lorane Gordon’s Personal Blog

Lorane GordonHi there, my name is Lorane Gordon and I am an expert in the Law of Attraction and Present Moment Awareness. I’m the founder of “Happiness First. Riches will follow…” and “Your Happiness Way”.  I have spent practically my whole life as a seeker and teacher and I’m an inspirational coach who has had the fortune to help hundreds of people find their happiness. However, my role as wife and mother is equally important to me and I am blessed to have been married for over 34 years to a wonderful man, Harry and have a fabulous son, Cameron who is married to our beautiful Bethany. I enjoy living in sunny California surrounded by my favorite tree the California Oak. This blog is my personal blog where I will share with you my life, the fun things that happen and my observations as they come to me! I hope you enjoy the posts, the videos and the pictures. My teachings on Happiness, the Law of Attraction and Present Moment Awareness can be found on Your Happiness Way. Feel free to comment below or drop me a line – my details can be found on my contact page.

Live Your Life in Happiness!

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High Tech- Where’s the button?

Watching a TV show about gadgets yesterday with hubby. They showed this super duper TV with bells and whistles and internet capabilities including email, surfing the net, face booking and more. I mentioned to Harry that I would really love to have something like that....

New Sheets

Is there anything nicer than sliding into fresh new sheets? But why I ask you are good sheets for a king size bed so expensive you need to mortgage the house? As much value as I put on them, as much as I enjoy them I don’t understand what makes them so costly? I...


I’m trying to watch my diet a bit more and bring my metabolism back up to speed.  Funny there are times in my life I can eat and eat and barely gain an ounce and other times I seem to bulge with every bite I take.  At this point in my life I know it’s all...

The more I work the luckier I get.

For me that’s true but with my writing. The more I write the easier it’s become.  I used to think, think and think before putting pen to paper. Now I put pen to paper and let it flow.


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