Dead Car Battery!

Dead Car Battery!

Today as I waited for triple A to jump start my battery I realized how differently I react to these types of inconveniencescar battery than I would have in the past.  I was able to be thankful for a few extra minutes to get some things done instead of complaining about the time it was taking.

When I got to the dealer and a mechanic recklessly pulled in front of my path my first instinct was one of annoyance. Then I remembered how grateful I am that I have a car and a warrantee.  I am also grateful for this attitude of gratitude knowing how miserable I feel when annoyance takes over.  I know how the Law of Attraction is always at work and annoyance will just bring more to feel annoyed about.

Kiki tries to adjust!

Kiki tries to adjust!

KiKi is just beginning to adjust to our new little upstart Baxter.

Today as Harry was putting KiKi’s harness on for her walk Baxter came Screenshot 2014-06-21 08.24.05up to her and instead of the usual snarl and bark she got into a play position.  When she realized she had lost her attitude she quickly regained it and gave the customary loud snub.








This video taken just a few short days ago shows a completely different attitude.

I’m still a bit sleep deprived to say nothing of being behind in my work.  It’s amazing how much time a 4.5 lb puppy can consume.  Not complaining, he’s a little joy.


Lazy Day Needed!

Lazy Day Needed!

Yesterday needed to be a lazy day. Puppy Baxter has thrown my schedule to such a point I was feeling disconnected from my calling and all I’m meantlazy day to do, to teach, coach and inspire. Understanding everything has an ebb and a flow, I accepted the way I was feeling and honored myself during this “ebb”.

I’m watching myself and my feelings right now with the understanding that this feeling of disconnect must be accepted and allowed. Knowing everything has a reason, a purpose I can enjoy discovering what that might be.

My lil 4 lb furry bundle of non-stop energy must be giving me a lesson I need to learn. He’s certainly exhausting me, but my heart gushes with love every time I touch that soft little fellow.

Baxter’s Visit to the Vet

Baxter’s Visit to the Vet

Today was Baxter’s first vet appointment and I brought KiKi along for a check up as well. A new pup can bring parasites into the house so I had to bring lovely little samples of “you know what” to be analyzed for possible problems.  Baxter being the gentleman he is was gracious enough to leave a sample for me in the family room. Such a good dog.

Kiki a bit depressed

Kiki a bit depressed!

My vet is holistic and practices the best of both western and eastern medicine. She took one look at KiKi and proclaimed her VERY ANGRY as she had a purple tongue displaying overt disturbance.  Well, I couldn’t tell her tongue was purple but I certainly know she’s not a happy camper based on the way she growls and charges the little one.  Kiki got an acupuncture treatment and left there quite relaxed and happily slept all the way home.

Baxter was pronounced a very healthy puppy. Now we wait for the results of the “samples”.



Day 3 in the Baby Baxter House!

Day 3 in the Baby Baxter House!

Baxter sleeping in bed (2)

This is turning out to be more about chronicling our new pup Baxter than anything else, but for those of you that have experienced having a new puppy you’ll certainly understand.  My day’s and nights are filled with Baxter care and I’m not complaining.  I’m deeply in love and surprised by the gush of emotion I feel every time I hold that sweet little guy close. The absolute delight I take in his scamper and, even after listening to him whimper for 5 min last night, finding him sleeping all night in bed with me. I wonder how that happened?

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