

I’m trying to watch my diet a bit more and bring my metabolism back up to speed.  Funny there are times in my life I can eat and eat and barely gain an ounce and other times I seem to bulge with every bite I take.  At this point in my life I know it’s all about my metabolism. It is rather sluggish these days. Maybe I should run with Baxter and Kiki rather than walk?

Acceptance- an integral part of my life!

Acceptance- an integral part of my life!

yoga-422196_1280 (1)Acceptance is for me an every day thing. Just when I think everything is in order, all the cogs in my life are well oiled and working together something goes awry.  My own teachings tell me to notice my discomfort, my momentary fear and resistance to anything that changes the machinery of my life and breathe. My breath gives me the time I need to remember that everything happens for a reason and something better is in store. Then I accept what is and keep putting one foot in front of the other.

Constant work

Constant work

I must admit that as I’ve gone through my Saturday, my supposed “day off” from puppy care I’ve complained about the constant work Baxter creates. Harry is supposed to watch Baxter’s antics on the weekend, but anyone who has children knows the way a man watches his flock vs a woman is diametrically different.  The bottom line is Baxter is a handful and needs the eagle eye that Harry just doesn’t have, so it’s left to me.

At the end of the day lil Bax jumps into bed and snuggles his soft, warm little curls against me and my heart melts.  I really wouldn’t have it any other way.



I get so many emails and I must admit most find themselves unread in my trash.sync 2

This morning one caught my eye in regard to how to protect yourself from the energy of others.

In other words how not to take on the stress, depression, anger or any emotion you don’t particularly want from others unconsciously.

A few hours later I got a call from a woman offering me a radio guest for my show and soon she began telling me how she often takes on the stressful energies of those around her. Of course I immediately sent her the article.

Funny how Law of Attraction works and it’s so awe inspiring to be part of the big picture and know it.

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