Furniture- a new skill!

Furniture- a new skill!

Toile_1Today I upholstered a small ottoman. Actually, it’s kind of a pouffe thing that I use when putting my makeup on.  I found a lovely red toile fabric and just decided to try my hand at it and it looks pretty good. I sewed on the fabric and hot glued on the trim.  It took a bit of time to get the courage to try, so I decided to play at it rather than take it too seriously. 

I must say it doesn’t look half bad, but my nails are a mess!

Harry Always Pleases Me

Harry Always Pleases Me

Yesterday I asked Harry to put up a drapery rod in the bedroom so I could hang new drapes. I heard him mutter something about his Striped_Tab_Top_Curtainspower drill being at the office but I was so busy attending to my teaching blog and video I didn’t pay much attention.  

Hours later I went into the bedroom to find Harry and the completed job, but his hands were blistered from completing the task.  I asked him why he just didn’t wait until he could get the proper drill and he said he didn’t want to disappoint me.  I’m so blessed to have such a selfless and loving husband.

An Old Friendship Reunited

An Old Friendship Reunited

Getting together with old friends can be so lovely. There is something special about that shared past and the understanding that friendsbutton-241994_150comes with history.
Yesterday I had the pleasure of getting together with a long time friend and one whose past I particularly understood. It felt good to exchange confidences in the same way we did years ago.

My Life is Going To The Dogs

My Life is Going To The Dogs

dogs-152543_150But heck, what else is new? I admit it, I’m obsessed. I’m having new sod put in an area of the backyard and trying to train KiKi my 5 year old Malti-poo to “go” in another part of the yard. A less obvious place on the side of the house that has gone to weeds.  

Well, she refuses! Absolutely refuses to put her beautifully white fluffy furry feet into that area. She’s gone on strike!

When my son calls…

When my son calls…

What is it about waiting for more then three rings that makes anyone under 34 hang up? smartphoneWhen Cam calls I tend to drop everything, but often don’t get to the phone before he runs out of patience and hangs up. It is what it is, but I do wish he’d give me 5 rings!

Television I Love It

Television I Love It

After a certain hour I love nothing more then vegging out in front of the tube. I do notice if my energy abstract-140898_150needs to be of a higher vibration and when that’s the case I refrain.  Especially those housewife shows, they can really lower my energy field, so I try to watch those only in moderation.  It’s amazing that something so bad for you can be such fun.

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