Stop the Grinch and enjoy a stress free Christmas! Do you wish for a stress free Christmas? Do you feel your stress levels rise as Christmas approaches? Maybe you even find yourself muttering under your breath, “I hate Christmas”. Watch out, you may be suffering from a touch of the Grinches… The grumpy, anti-holiday spirit […]
Tag Archives | stress
How to handle stress effectively in 5 powerful ways
Handle Stress NOW! 5 Powerful Ways When you are overwhelmed, tired, anxious and battling life you do not feel you can handle stress at all. You certainly don’t feel as if you have any power! Stress drains you of energy and you make poor judgment calls. So, how do you handle stress powerfully when you […]
How to Relax and Recharge? Meditation, Rest, Exercise or all three?
Do you know how to relax or how important it is to recharge? Our days get so hectic! With the use of our iPhone, iPad and other instant methods of communication, we seem to be on call at all hours of our day! We are often needed at work, by our kids, our parents, our […]
Coping With Anxiety- The Law of Attraction Way!
Coping with Anxiety - A Different Way Ever had one of those moments when, for no apparent reason, your heart starts racing and you feel a wave of anxiety sweep over you? Imagine coping with anxiety, panic attacks and feeling out of control EVERY day??!! Sadly, there are a lot of people suffering and not […]
EFT Therapy- Emotional Freedom Technique
What is EFT Therapy? In short EFT therapy is Emotional Freedom Technique. It is a “tapping” technique whereby you tap specific acupressure points - the body’s meridian points (see below) to release energy blocks. This helps in freeing the body from negative energy that is identified with bad habits, stress, pain, anxiety and even addiction. […]
Panic Attacks Help- How to Stop Panic Attacks
Panic Attacks – Spot Them – Accept Them Strange as it may sound the secret to getting over panic attacks in the easiest and quickest manner is acceptance. When we learn to accept “what is”, regardless if we like it or not, the fight against it stops. The energy we are putting out not wanting it […]
News Flash: You’re Not Perfect, So Stop Trying to Be!
Stop Trying to be Perfect! Whether you’re a business owner, a spouse, a parent, a friend, or all of the above, I’m willing to bet that sometimes you don’t meet your own expectations in that role. You feel like you’re not living up to who you should be. Here’s a provoking question for you: Who […]
Alleviate and Handle Stress- 6 Steps
6 simple steps to alleviate and handle stress “Stress has become so much a part of our everyday existence that often we don’t even notice it.” Click to Tweet There is this slightly nervous, tense, and mildly uncomfortable feeling that many just accept as normal. For some, you know you aren’t happy and satisfied, but […]
Channel Anger into Positive Energy & Utilize The Law of Attraction
Channel Anger into Positive Energy Today I want to talk about how to channel anger into positive energy. In my younger years anger, with it’s powerful energy, would completely take me away. I would get mentally caught up and think of a million reasons why I deserved to be angry and another million reasons why […]
Yes, You Do Have a Pain Body
The following is a complete explanation on The Pain Body by Eckhart Tolle author of The Power of Now There is such a thing as old emotional pain living inside you. It is an accumulation of painful life experience that was not fully faced and accepted in the moment it arose. It leaves behind an […]