
Smile For Happiness and Create a Ripple Effect

Smile For Happiness

“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.” Mother Teresa

How easy is it to give a gift that only requires you to lift the corners of your mouth? When you project an easy smile, a smile that uses your eyes as well as your mouth, it feels genuine to yourself and others and creates happiness for you both. When you smile for happiness there is a ripple effect. As you make others feel happy you feel even happier!

“Smiling is infectious, you catch it like the flu, When someone smiled at me today, I started smiling too.” Karen McLendon-Laumann

There were studies in the 80’s by numerous psychologists that showed the simple act of choosing to smile for happiness caused happiness chemicals to be released from the brain. Their findings showed the facial changes made when smiling have direct effects on the brain and boosts happiness. As early as the 19th century Darwin proposed that facial expressions did more than reflect emotions, they actually caused them!

Smiling doesn’t come easily for everyone, but most can agree that the simple act of choosing to smile for happiness is worth the effort.

Practice smiling at strangers and look into their eyes for a moment. Notice the glimpse of recognition or the surprised lifting of their spirits. I promise you this will create happiness for you as well.

  • Try the following while you Smile For Happiness
  • Think happy thoughts as you smile
  • Find something you like about a person or a situation
  • Think of your blessings and the goodness you have in your life while you smile
  • When you feel genuinely happy make a mental and physical note of how you feel.

    You can then learn to recreate that feeling at will. As you intentionally smile for happiness remember back to that time. The bonus is that as you practice a smile for happiness you just get happier. How many exercises that you do for self-improvement can you say that about?

    Practice smiling in front of the mirror. Notice you can smile in many different ways and some look and feel more genuine than others. You’ll notice some may even feel and look menacing. Try covering the bottom portion of your face with a piece of paper and smile, but this time project the smile out through your eyes. If you’re finding this challenging think of something you feel grateful for, or something you love while smiling with your eyes. Notice the difference? This is the smile that really works for you. This is your winning smile, the one others respond to warmly.

    Here are just A few benefits of smiling for happiness

    *Improved appearance

    *Shows willingness to forgive others or yourself

    *Releases happiness chemicals into your brain, creating a feeling of well-being and happiness

    *A smile is indicative of happiness humor and warmth

    *Makes others feel good

    *The facial wrinkles you get from smiling are more attractive then the ones you get from frowning

    *Smiling is related to health, happiness, friends, success and a longer life

    *A smile makes you seem more approachable to other people

    Morning Practice

    Every morning as you open your eyes make an intention to smile for happiness at least five times that day. Then, before you get out of bed lift the corners of your mouth into a big bright smile. As you do this practice gratitude for having another day to experience life, to walk upon this colorful playground called earth. As you choose to smile for happiness your life just gets happier and happier.

    As you become more conscious you begin to realize that you have the option of choosing the thoughts that work for you and deleting those that don’t. There are many ways to look at every situation and event. Doesn’t it make sense to do as Dr. Seuss recommends?

    “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”Dr. Seuss

    Lorane Gordon

    Watch my 2 minute video & choose to Smile For Happiness. Successful Sunday Start.

    If you’ve enjoyed this information Click Here and receive a 5 min guided meditation/visualization I’ve prepared for you to bring about peaceful clarity.

    I welcome your comments or suggestions below. Your feedback helps me give you more of what you want.

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