
Put your brain to work

Use your brain for the Law of Attraction

I love it when I can find scientific reasons why the Law of Attraction works. Even though I am a complete believer. I have seen it work in my life and in the lives of so many of my students and clients however, as a teacher I feel compelled to give the skeptic some scientific data to back all of this up.

The brain is an amazing organ and takes it cue from you! In other words you can consciously choose how to use your brain. Click to Tweet

Scientifically speaking, the reticular activating system in the brain is the gatekeeper which screens out most data from the environment we live in. There are over 2 million bits of data around us at all times but the brain can only allow in 147 bits AND YOU CHOOSE THE BITS, although unknowingly.

Imagine the power you’ll have once you consciously direct your brain to open to the information you’re interested in finding.

Until we use our brain “on purpose” it automatically lets in the data it decides is important based on your beliefs and prior experiences. In other words, if you don’t believe it you wont see it. So the brain scans the environment and only let’s in what is compatible with your long -term memory, your beliefs and conditioning and screens out everything else.

You may have heard the saying that you find what you look for. There is scientific information to back that up. But what if you look for the miraculous? Will you find that too? There is data that says YES you will.

You have the power to harness your brain!

The point is that you have the power to override the default reticular system. This requires activation of the thinking part of the brain, or the frontal lobes. Simply said: When you decide to put your attention and focus on what it is you want to find, achieve or create that is what you find. The brain actually searches for and finds what is already within your knowledge base although it is deeply unconscious. It then dims out the rest of the stimulus and 2 million bits of surrounding information allowing you to zoom into the opportunity, the miracle you are looking for.

John Wortman


The evolution of the human species is possible right now, if, and this is the most important “if,” for the next century, we decide to use our brains on purpose. You can evolve faster, chart jump nature, if you learn to use your frontal lobes more effectively.


Example: Have you ever decided that no matter what you would easily and quickly find a parking spot in a crowded parking structure? You made the decision and miraculously the parking spot appeared before you. Magic? No, you simply find what you’re looking for. In other words the act of believing you would find the perfect parking spot that belonged to you caused your brain to begin searching for it with all of its attention. The brain on a mission to find a parking spot, convinced that one is there will block out evidence to support a lack of a parking space. Armed with the intelligence of your brain and the added benefit of intense focus you find the parking spot that others without that particular focus and belief will not see even though there is clearly a parking opportunity.

Your brain has the power to find and locate things even if you consciously have no idea where those things are.

What about finding answers to solve problems? What about shortcuts to finding business success or bringing in your perfect partner? How about improving relationships with family and friends. Yes your brain can be as efficient and seemingly magical at finding those types of things as it can be finding the elusive parking spot.

Your brain has the answers at an unconscious level Click to Tweet
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Is it possible that at an unconscious level we have all the information we need in order to create or manifest financial success, loving relationships and better health? Many researchers say Yes we do, although it is held deep within the brain on an unconscious level. However there is evidence to support that when we choose to find what we want the brain actively looks for it and block out interfering data and goes to work with all it’s power to extract the information that we want.

The brain has the ability to cause your attention to be drawn to what you’re looking for no matter how tiny that “thing” may be. It has the power to cause all of your faculties to zoom into the evidence of what you either believe to be true or what you decide you want.

Can you see how by simply changing your mind you can create all the things in your life you believe are only available for other people? Can you also see how your beliefs up until now have limited what has been possible for you in your life and actually kept you stuck at a particular level?

If all possibilities exist what will you find? Will you consciously create the life you want or go on allowing yourself to be limited by your lack of belief? I say go for it! If you are interested in learning more in depth science about the brain read my guest post from Dr Michael Cotton http://loranegordon.com/yourhappinessway/change-brain-change-life/)


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