
Positive thinking creates positive results

The power of thought and positive thinking

We are often encouraged to adopt positive thinking, but do you really understand why this is so important?
Your thoughts are extremely powerful and even more so when they’re habitual and have

strong emotion attached to them. Once you understand that your thoughts are as powerful as a loaded weapon you know how important it is to train yourself to think in a way that brings you happiness. Yes, you can think happy thoughts and this can be learned!
Many of you have heard the expression “thoughts are things”. On my radio show I explain that thoughts are an energy form and so are things. The difference is the rate at which they are vibrating. Material things are vibrating at a much slower rate than thoughts are, but everything you see around you was originally in the form of a thought.

As you continually think or feel a certain way, that becomes your energy field, or the rate at which you are vibrating. The Law of Attraction says that we attract a match to our energy field.

Wayne Dyer says

“You don’t attract what you want, you attract what you are.”

It’s been said in countless ways by so many great thinkers. It’s time to take these truths seriously and do something about your thoughts. There has even been research on health that says a large percent of all diseases are directly related to an individual’s thinking. Positive thinking therefore equals positive health.

Overcoming negative thoughts with positive thinking

We all have blocks we need to overcome in order to manifest what we want instead of manifesting what we don’t want, or manifesting by default. One of the most common ways we create exactly what we don’t want is the tendency to focus on what we don’t like about our life, our surroundings and even on other people. We have to take seriously the implications of thinking this way and remember that we will create more of whatever we’re thinking and putting our attention on. You don’t like it huh? You’re thinking a lot about it right? You’re complaining to anyone who will listen? You find evidence every- where you look that tells you your disempowering thoughts are valid? If you’re like most of us you will answer yes to those questions. This is negative thinking creating negative outcomes, instead of positive thinking manifesting positive results. This is nothing more than learned behaviors and they can be unlearned as well. However, before you can let this go you must become aware of it.

An article in the Huffington post says

Richard Davidson at University of Wisconsin spent the last 30 years measuring brain waves and ascribing a consciousness level using an electroencephalograph. His research showed clear and direct correlation between brain waves and the way we all look at our life: From low frequency thinkers who feel as though they are constantly being victimized, to the self-actualized intellects whose brain waves vibrate at an extremely high frequency and are filled to the brim with information. Again, reinforcing “our thoughts create our circumstances”.
Strangely, the Torah, the Bible, and the Tau Te Ching written 500 BCE all appear to say the same thing. The law of attraction is not some new age thinking without scientific basis. It is a fresh perspective that clears the fog surrounding the subject and applies contemporary quantum physics to provide foundation.The translation of this statement is that energetically we’re manifesting exactly where our thoughts reside.

Read more at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/peter-baksa/law-of-attraction_b_873666.html

Harnessing positive thinking - Keys to changing your thoughts to create what you want.

1. Learn to observe your thoughts. For guidance go to: inner observer
2. Notice when you’re judging something as bad and relax your idea of good and bad. Try to be neutral.
3. Choose thoughts focused on what you have rather than what you don’t have.
4. Practice feeling grateful, thankful and appreciative for those things.
5. Pay attention to feelings of unease or stress in your body and consciously relax
6. Don’t deny feelings of doubt or fear. Face them, recognize that they’re only a thought. Breathe deeply and refocus to gratitude.
7. Use visualization techniques to affirm your goals and intention.
8. Remember YOU are in charge of your thinking. Choose thoughts that serve you.

Positive thinking works for you

A great friend of mine has taught me through example to, as he says “be in the river”. What he means by that is the river of life has twists and turns. Enjoy them, none of them are necessarily bad, but only made that way with your thoughts. As you stop thinking of anything as bad you stop resisting. You know the old saying, what you resist persists. So when you stop judging, resisting and fighting the moment, you aren’t having low level thought that manifest as low level things. Be in the river, flow with it and intend what you want. Not by deciding what is bad, but by accepting it, therefore you give it no energy to create more. It just is what it is.

Now create from there with your positive and grateful thoughts. This is powerful stuff my friends. Try it and comment below on how this is working for you.

Pictures courtesy of WaiferX and Charlotte90T under license

Watch this short video to understand more about the power of your thoughts.

Get your free 5 min guided meditation/visualization to create Peace & Clarity immediate download

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4 Responses to Positive thinking creates positive results

  1. Marissa Meleske May 1, 2014 at 7:49 PM #

    Positive thinking is unfortunately so overlooked by so many people. I guess it seems TOO simple and when you're that stuck in a rut, you feel like you need more than just a switch in the way you think, in order to create change. But it really does work!

  2. Lamar Battle March 9, 2014 at 8:03 PM #

    Thank you so much for the work you do.

  3. Michele Penn
    Michele Penn January 25, 2014 at 6:29 PM #

    I LOVE how you explain your topic. It’s so easy to understand. I’ve been doing this for years, but I still get something out of your blog and videos every time. I especially love your 8 pointers in the blog! Thanks for reminding us in your fabulous video to put our attention on the positive. You speak beautifully, look wonderful and come across as caring and loving. Thank you once again. Keep them coming :)


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