

Perfectionism is bad for you!

Perfectionism can be a curse

Perfectionism that is you, simply wanting to be your best is a great quality, but the reasoning behind it determines your level of happiness. To strive to perform to the best of your ability and to be as good as you can is oftentimes rewarded and we all love praise and reward. However, if your striving is motivated by perfectionism the reward can sometimes seem as if it is undeserved! If you can come from a place of confidence with the realization that you are already good enough it will make the process of striving to be better far more enjoyable and the result more satisfying in the long run. When you come from that place you are now growing and learning rather than stressing over perfection. Perfection itself is a myth and perfectionism a personality trait that can all too often lead to heartache and disappointment. Perfectionists never feel they are good enough and don’t seem to realize that there is no such thing as perfection.

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Fear of failure is often part of perfectionism

Failure can be a very scary thing. Anticipating it or using it as a motivator to be perfect is a predecessor for stress and anxiety. Fearing failure means you are putting your attention on it and by consistently keeping failure in your mind, you are inviting it into your vibration. This means you are actually creating failure. By trying to avoid it, your attention is still on it. Perfectionists may also fear failure so much that they put off doing their work until it is too late. As psychologist David D Burns wrote in a 1980 article in Psychology Today,

by “reaching for the stars, perfectionists may end up clutching at air”

http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2014/apr/20/should-i-stop-being-a-perfectionist As you struggle to be perfect, you will inevitably fail and so you struggle harder. You find yourself resisting all attempts to “settle” for what is, always believing there is something better. Resistance will just make you feel more panic and worry, causing you to constantly second guess yourself. As Carl Jung is best known for saying; “What you resist persists”. Perfectionism is often a response to what we perceive others think of us. It is a social pressure to achieve and do things at a level, often humanly impossible.

Why are you trying to achieve perfection?

Pay attention to your inner voice and ask yourself. Am I working so hard at this because I need to be perfect? If the answer is yes

try reminding yourself that you’re already good enough. Staying in touch with that truth and becoming aware of your motivation is how we make the changes that benefit us. It’s all part of the process of learning and growing. Adapting to what is, peacefully and with the knowledge that everything doesn’t have to be perfect will take a huge weight off of your shoulders and will allow for things to fall into place. As Michelle Russel says in her blog “Why Screwing Things Up Is Crucial to Your Well-Being”; http://tinybuddha.com/blog/why-screwing-things-up-is-crucial-to-your-well-being/

“When you leave perfectionism behind, you also get to define success and happiness by your own internal measurements rather than society’s external benchmarks.”

Struggling with perfectionism is a heavy burden. Measuring perfection is subjective, because there really is no such thing as being perfect. What looks like a perfect scenario to you, may not for someone else. When things unfold differently than you foresaw them your first instinct may be to change something in an attempt to make it perfect. What if I told you that the way things turn out is always in perfect alignment with what was supposed to happen at that moment? Perfectionism stifles creativity and is not a true reflection of life..as Peggy Nolan explains,

Guess what? Life is messy. And it doesn’t always go the way you planned it. Life, you see, has a hard time staying within your lines. Life loves the doodle. Life embraces the beginner’s mind. “Allow yourself to be a beginner… no one starts out excellent.” –Unknown


Observe your need for perfectionism

It’s important to observe how you feel when things don’t seem to turn out exactly how you wanted them to, or “Perfectly” in your opinion. When you keep in mind that everything happens for a reason and allow yourself not to have to know that reason you can relax. You understand that there is no need to worry and stress about it. It is all perfect in the eyes of the universe at all times and you can breathe easy knowing that if you are aware you’ll get the nudges to show you the way. Think of it this way. You wouldn’t have discovered the answers to the lessons you needed to learn up until this point, had you not made your “so called” mistakes. See more at http://loranegordon.com/yourhappinessway/mistakes-happen-screw-sometimes/ As you become more conscious you understand the universe is supporting you in your soul’s purpose. All you need to do is be the best you can in the moment and trust that you’ll receive the guidance you need. Remember you weren’t given a purpose and then abandoned, but instead supported and encouraged. Embrace that truth and open yourself to the signs and signals that are already here, only perhaps you haven’t been open to seeing or feeling them before now. Don’t miss out on life’s amazing journey by being too controlling of every moment and stressing to achieve perfectionism. When you feel yourself becoming uneasy about what is in front of you, breathe deeply and trust. Release that gnawing need to change anything that already is. Life is meant to be lived, embraced and enjoyed. Not pushed, struggled with and forced. Never sacrifice the enjoyment of your journey because you are too busy trying to make it perfect. Continue putting one foot in front of the other, enjoying your journey and allow the beauty of life’s perfection to fall into place. Remember you are already perfect and perfectionism will cause you unnecessary pain. It will all work out even more beautifully than you could have ever imagined if you just relax, release, trust and allow! Get your free guided meditation & instruction book on how to visualize your desires into your reality here.

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  1. Creative Thinking - - November 21, 2015

    […] releasing this creative part of you, but it does not have to be “perfect”. Trying to be perfect is bad for creative thinking- you are allowed to make mistakes, because that way you look at things […]

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