Are you in touch with your inner observer?
Are you aware of what you’re thinking, or are you like most and when asked that question respond with “I dunno”? Those thoughts that you’re not aware of are responsible for running your life. Doesn’t it make sense to know what you’re thinking? To become very aware of how you are feeling and responding to things outside of yourself?
The observer, when he seems to himself to be observing a stone, is really, if physics is to be believed, observing the effects of the stone upon himself.
-Bertrand Russell
If you’re not experiencing what you want out of life then cultivating the inner observer, or the witnessing consciousness is paramount for you. When you’re in touch with the inner observer you are keenly aware of how the thoughts you are thinking and the words you are saying are creating the state of your existence. You know if these thoughts and words are coming from the perspective of your ego and how that is impacting the situation. You then have the option of changing your thoughts and words. You’re aware that these are only thoughts and not you.
You might start with the simple question “What am I thinking right now”?
You may be surprised. So often we feel uncomfortable, irritated or angry, but have no idea what preceded the feeling. Getting in touch with the inner observer is key to getting control over your emotions.
As with everything, you begin with an intention
An intention to listen to the thoughts that are going through your mind. Once you’ve developed the witnessing consciousness you actually hear those non-stop words and you are better able to discern which ones are of value and which ones are nonsense. You begin to realize that on going chatter has a lot of useless and at times harmful things to say. Cultivating the inner observer allows you to be free from automatically believing those words. It gives you a chance to step back and you’ll find yourself asking the question “Where did that come from?” This helps you to become less mindlessly attached to your thoughts and more objective. Can you see how that begins to set you free?
Objectivity is a treasure
Have you noticed as you’re listening to a friend lament about a particular circumstance that you are able to see the situation quite differently than they are? You can be objective and clear while noticing your friend’s inability to see what is so obvious to you. How about watching a movie? You can calmly and happily sit there munching on popcorn while viewing. Those are examples of the witnessing consciousness. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to live with your self? Can you imagine the freedom you’d have from your emotions and your knee jerk reactions? This is not to say that you no longer feel your emotions. You do, but now you have the choice. You are objective and have access to your higher thinking.
All wisdom traditions have said in one way or another that happiness isn’t as much about circumstances as it is about the way you think and feel about those circumstances. Cultivating the Inner observer allows you to see how often it’s your thoughts that are creating unhappiness for you. This then gives you the opportunity to change what you’re thinking about and even how you’re thinking about it.
Meditation is a wonderful way to develop the inner observer. You can calmly sit, eyes closed while putting your attention on your breath. You will notice thoughts arise and as they do it’s your choice to engage them or not. That is the observer state. Granted this may take a while to cultivate but as with everything it begins with the very first step.
The universe as we know it is a joint product of the observer and the observed. -Teilhard De Chardin
Lorane Gordon
Watch my short Successful Sunday video all about the inner observer below.
Click here to receive my FREE 5 minute guided meditation/visualization I’ve prepared to give you Peaceful Clarity.
You will love this successful Sunday Start! Lorane teaches us about the observer. It’s an incredible concept if you haven’t heard about it. Lorane explained it so simply. This concept is key to raising your vibration and And living a happy life. Beautifully done and beautifully said