
How To Have More Energy- Be Juiced Not Drained!

Do you want to know how to have more energy?

Do you sometimes feel as if you are carrying a very heavy weight and that your energy has been drained? Click to Tweet

In order to know how to have more energy you need to first understand what energy drains are and why you feel drained, lethargic and lacking in enthusiasm.



Here are a few ways that your energy can be drained

  1. You are doing it to yourself with your self talk
  2. You are working too hard and disregarding your physical and mental health
  3. You surround yourself with people who are energy vampires

Take a look at my video on draining your creative energy

Video- Successful Sunday Start- “You are Draining your Creative Energy”

Let’s start with how you may be draining your own energy and how to have more energy. This is very common and because no one is with us more often or has any more control over what we say to ourselves then we do. Yes, you are with you 24/7 so you best watch how you are influencing YOU.

What kinds of questions are you asking yourself. Notice these types of questions beg for disempowering answers. Answers that will make you feel badly about yourself and strip you of your energy.

  • What is wrong with me?

The question begs you to find something that is wrong with you. I can promise you that you do find what you look for and while I believe in self improvement this isn’t the way to go about it. That’s not going to give you energy. Instead it will make you feel like crap! , If you want to know how to have more energy then you need to tackle a lack of self esteem that sees yourself as having something”wrong” with you. Check out my blog post on this “Low Self- Esteem, Overcome It”

This question asks you to search within your memory for anything similar to the present situation and relive each one over and over convincing yourself that “Yes it always does happen to you”. You do understand that constant repetition of an idea will embed it into your brain? Much as we repeat out times tables to learn them by rote- so we create a reality of a negative thought by constantly repeating it to ourselves. if you want to know how to have more energy, stop draining it with negativity!

The Law of Attraction tells us that it happens to you frequently because you’re always asking yourself that question and convincing yourself that it’s true? Yup, that’s how The Law of Attraction works. To understand this better, check out my post “Thinking positive it doesn’t work!!??

  • Why can’t I catch a break?

Now you get to look back at all the other times in your life when things didn’t work out for you. You’ll find evidence of others who got what you wanted and come to the conclusion that their lives are charmed and yours is cursed. Where is that going to get you?

Can you see how your answers to these types of questions are going to make you feel worse? You are very smart you see. Your mind will give you answers, even search for answers to the questions you ask of it. Can you see that if you want to know how to have more energy you have to watch those thoughts that drain that creative energy from you?

I have just interviewed Candace Conradi on my radio show about this particular topic.

Are You Asking The Wrong Questions of Yourself? -Go to My Radio Show Link for this discussion

Asking yourself disempowering questions drains you of your energy and keeps you from moving forward. Learn to ask the questions that help you to feel good about yourself and get to your goals. Click to Tweet

My guest Candace George Conradi tells you why you don’t need to FIX yourself. You’re perfect NOW.

How to have more energy by asking the RIGHT questions

Instead ask these types of questions:

  • How can I improve the situation?

Now you begin to look for positive and proactive ways to make things better for the situation and this spills over into your entire life.

  • What can I learn from this?

Your mind searches for positive reasons for a happening that may look negative on the surface. The question forces you to put a positive spin on what life has handed you at the moment.

  • What is the best next step for me to take to get to my goal?

This question causes you to look deeply and without judgment at where you are now and where you want to go. You can use that as your roadmap to take you to your goal.

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Avoid the energy vampires!!!-

People that suck the life out of you and even out of the room.

Have you ever been around a group of people and you simply feel drained? You get tired or irritable or both and don’t really know why. Pay attention!

How about being around a particular person, and every time they walk into the room you feel as if a black hole has entered and sucked the life out of the environment? Pay attention!

If you want to know how to have more energy you need to recognize these energy vampires! Some people really should have a health warning plastered on their foreheads and it is especially difficult if they are family and friends who we spend a lot of time with.

On the contrary there are people, places and things that add to your energy, that help to give you that zip and excitement about life and whatever project you may be working on. Perhaps that’s why we see so many people writing their books while sitting in Starbucks and other public places.

It’s critical to pay attention to how you feel and how you may be affected by different environments and various people.

Surround yourself with these kinds of people to energize you- that’s how to have have more energy!

Happy People: They are positive and see the good in almost everything. They have a viewpoint that radiates joy and you feel happy and hopeful just being around them.

High Energy: Each time you’re with them you feel a spark of energy and excitement. They are like natural caffeine and you find yourself talking to them creatively and reaching for thoughts you normally wouldn’t. They inspire you to get out of the box.

Listeners: When you talk to these people you actually feel them listening. They look at you deeply and their body language tells you that you have their total attention. The Listeners patiently wait for you to finish your thought. They ask questions that support what you’ve been saying and help you to draw intelligent conclusions just by being around them.

Coaches and Mentors: These people understand who you are and what you’re going through. They inspire you to move through any blocks you may have and take positive, creative action. The accountability factor you have with a coach is also very effective to juice up your energy. Check out my coaching services and take advantage of my 25 minute FREE initial consulting service- I can show you how to have more energy and release those creative juices! Coaching with Lorane

If you haven’t already subscribed to my Successful Sunday Start Vlogs and received my FREE gifts go and subscribe in the box at the top right side of the page.

You’ll immediately get my 5 minute Guided Meditation for Peace and Clarity and my beautifully illustrated Happiness Quotes Book.

If you are struggling with how to have more energy- let me know what you think is draining your energy in the comments below- or add any ideas you have to get juiced not drained!





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One Response to How To Have More Energy- Be Juiced Not Drained!

  1. Michele Penn
    Michele Penn September 29, 2014 at 2:09 AM #

    Thank you again for a wonderful Successful Sunday Start and blog! I didn’t know that the mind searches for proof that you are right when you ask the wrong questions. How interesting. I am definitely going to pay attention to what questions I ask myself. I choose to ask questions now that will give me solutions. Thank you, Peace and love, Michele

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