Some call this voice inside our heads the inner critic.
I like the words inner ogre as it conjures up the most hideous of creatures. The inner ogre is a beast we all have inside our head and the shame of it is we believe what it tells us, until we get conscious of it, that is.
The inner critic says things like you’re not good enough, you’re a failure, you’re stupid, and keeps repeating these hurtful phrases throughout your day, throughout your life. That voice can stop you from even trying, it can cause horrible depression, ruin relationships and certainly has caused some to commit suicide. That’s how powerful that voice can be.
It’s up to you to learn how to deal with the inner critic to the point where it quiets down.
I can’t tell you it will ever completely go away, BUT as soon as you begin to notice the inner critic and use the techniques I’m about to lay out here, you’ll have gone a long way in rendering that voice silent.
Now, let’s conquer the inner critic!
The first thing you must do is to notice when it speaks. You may think that ignoring it would be effective, but that doesn’t work. You can’t render anything powerless until you first recognize its existence. For example, let’s say you have ants in your house. If you simply ignore them what will happen? The powerful thing to do is to acknowledge the inner critic. Simply be aware enough to observe what it’s saying to you.
As soon as you notice the inner critic raising it’s ugly head simply take a breath. The simple act of taking a deep belly breath gives you enough time to distance yourself from the voice. Enough time to realize that this voice isn’t you and isn’t telling you the truth.
How would you feel if you heard these words being said to a friend of yours? Would you believe them? You probably wouldn’t. What would you think of the person saying these hurtful things? Most likely you’d dismiss them and their opinion as mean spirited at the very least. Chances are you’d distance yourself from this person and encourage your friend to do the same.
At that point being the good friend that you are, you’d tell your friend all the things you love about them. The things they should be proud of and their accomplishments. You would notice their hurt feelings and make it your job to convince them of their goodness, their value. Doesn’t it make sense to do the very same things for yourself?
- Notice the inner critic
- Stop and take a breath
- Observe & detach as if the words were being said to someone else
- Put your attention on what you love about yourself
- Continue deep breathing until you feel better
The trick here is becoming aware.
Once you’ve become aware of something you have the power to create something different. It’s important to know that you’re not alone. We all have that inner critic. The difference is that successful, happy people know how to handle it better than others.
Try the simple techniques I’ve outlined above and watch how your world gets better and you become happier and more successful.
Lorane Gordon
Watch my 2 minute video, have a Successful Sunday Start & Conquer Your Inner Critic.
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