
Celebrate Your Life- Be Here Now

Celebrate your life – attract more happiness

We’ve been hearing it forever, but what does it really mean? Be Here Now? When Ram Dass came out with his book of the same title in the early 70’s how many really understood the concept? I know I was immersed, or so I thought, in spiritual studies but hardly gave it a nod. Now of course, after Eckhart Tolle http://www.eckharttolle.com and the Power of Now brought that to us in such a powerful way, many of us have a clearer idea of the meaning. If we took it to heart and actually practiced it we will have learned a way to be in life that is effectively happier, much more peaceful and appreciative. You need to learn to celebrate your life and embrace the power of now.

How does celebrating your life tie in with Present Moment Awareness, http://loranegordon.com/yourhappinessway/living-in-the-moment/ or Be Here Now? If we take into consideration what all of the sages, mystics, meta-physicians and now even quantum physicists have been telling us; we take part in the creation of our lives. Our thoughts given emotional attention are creative. So it stands to reason if we look at life and celebrate it we’ll have more to celebrate, we’ll have more to be happy about.

The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.

Oprah Winfrey

Reasons to celebrate your life

When we hear a child’s laughter most of us register delight. I know I normally erupt with a giggle or two myself if I’m within earshot of that delightful sound. Their sweet giggle is evocative of happy celebration and it can be over something as simple as a snail crawling up a wall. We would be wise to do as we have heard so often and “Become as a little child”. They constantly celebrate their lives, shouldn’t you celebrate yours?

Children aren’t so sophisticated and bored with life that they have a hard time finding something to smile or laugh about. To celebrate just because they stepped in a puddle and splashed water all over their clothes. To look at the world and everything in it with child like wonder and no preconceived ideas or judgments. A child given love and enough to eat celebrates chewing his toes as a baby and dumping his cereal on the floor as a toddler.

I’m not particularly a New Years Resolution type of person, but hey, any reason to celebrate works for me. My point is; I don’t wait until the New Year to make a change in my life. Why should we wait for a particular date to celebrate? Celebrate your morning coffee, celebrate when you don’t burn your toast, celebrate opening your eyes and seeing another day, in other words; celebrate your life. And if you’re fortunate enough to have people around that you love; celebrate them just for being themselves.

Share our similarities, celebrate our differences.
M. Scott Peck


Dewitt Jones one of America’s top professional photographers says “Celebrate what’s right in the world”.

Celebrating life in this way means you’re looking for the good. It puts you into a state of gratitude; one of the highest vibrations there is. If you have a problem with words like gratitude or appreciation, then use the word celebrate. It evokes pictures of popping champagne bottles, laughing people, balloons and all things happy and fun.

Ways to get into a celebratory mood

  • Try skipping down the street
  • Play with your dog or cat
  • Watch a funny movie
  • Be around laughing children
  • Blowing bubbles
  • Finger paint
  • Play with some clay
  • Do anything silly

Look for reasons to celebrate your life and I promise you you’ll find them and your life will be happier, brighter and you’ll attract more to celebrate.

Lorane Gordon

Watch this short video and learn to program yourself to enjoy and celebrate your life.

Click here and receive my free 5 minute guided meditation for peace and clarity. MP3 immediate download

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5 Responses to Celebrate Your Life- Be Here Now

  1. Lyssa Coon April 26, 2014 at 9:51 PM #

    I can only imagine what life would look like if we celebrated EVERY thin in life! It sounds exciting!! I shall try this today!!

  2. Kuba Muza Elfy Gwiazdy February 24, 2014 at 9:49 AM #

    :——-) <3 I love your work! <3 :————) Looka at my page: http://www.ready4studio.eu <3

  3. Elizabeth Lumb January 15, 2014 at 7:46 PM #

    Great video Lorane. I do as you do, celebrate every moment.
    Ciao for now.

  4. Lorane
    Lorane January 5, 2014 at 4:26 PM #

    Thank you so much for your comment and your continued support.

  5. MIchele January 5, 2014 at 4:00 PM #

    Excellent blog!! Excellent video!! Thanks for reminding us how to celebrate every moment of our lives. I love to start my week with you. I sometimes forget to celebrate my own success, like you said. You seem to know just what I need each week. I celebrate YOU! Peace and love, Michele

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