Mind Body Prescription for Abundance
Fascinating and entertaining blog post - courtesy of Dr Kim D’Eramo- originally published on her site http://drkimderamo.com/blog/
Lots of people talk about “abundance” and many people work their butts off to try to get “more” in life…but do you realize, you don’t have to work for it!
Your body is naturally guided toward abundance. It is your natural state! Click to Tweet
I learned a lot about this from some beautiful tropical fish on my vacation to Mexico last week…..
Sending you love!
-Dr. Kim
P.S. I looooved being on this trip and these tools literally bring the feeling back, so be sure to share!!
A different look at abundance and tapping into your surroundings- who knew fish were so smart about abundance??!! - Lorane
being positive and staying positive is always been a challenge for me I’ve had so many bad things happen both physically and mentally I crush to my ankle like crushed a vertebrae and I crushed my elbow 3 crush injury 12 surgeries and one pending to add insult to injury last surgery I had on my ankle my girlfriend of 8 year the left meI loved her more than any other that I have ever been with and her family her grandkids call me Papa Wade as I write this it brings a tear to my eye so hard to get beyond expressly little OliviaI do love kids the greatest commodity this country has
Love the energy, Dr. Kim! I’ve started a practice of journaling every morning - writing down what I am thankful for and focusing on what I want to attract into my life. I feel very inspired by your video. Thank you
Great video Dr. Kim! A wonderful way to explain why putting your attention on gratitude and appreciation works to bring you more to feel grateful for.
Thanks for sharing your blog with my readers.
Love this! The power of gratitude makes all the difference. Thanks for sharing
Lorane, you’re awesome!! Your work is SO valuable and I am thankful that so many people have the opportunity to take advantage of that and experience TRUE aliveness, Joy, and Happiness for themselves.
I love your work and am so thankful for you in the world. XO
Dr. Kim, Great video blog. Great mind body tool! Thanks for reminding us to align with abundance. Lorane, I love your idea with guest posts