Acceptance is for me an every day thing. Just when I think everything is in order, all the cogs in my life are well oiled and working together something goes awry. My own teachings tell me to notice my discomfort, my momentary fear and resistance to anything that changes the machinery of my life and breathe. My breath gives me the time I need to remember that everything happens for a reason and something better is in store. Then I accept what is and keep putting one foot in front of the other.
About Me
Happiness is a vibration that draws to you the good things in life and I show you how to FEEL that way and to quickly notice when you don’t. By shifting your energy to happiness you begin to attract to yourself positive results in all areas; love, finances, health, etc. Now you have the power to live at the level of Happiness and draw into your life what you DO WANT instead of what you don’t want.
There is no limit to the heights you can attain and together we soar.